Commercial Law

We provide comprehensive corporate legal services, including business formation, contract negotiations, mergers and acquisitions…

Real Estate

Whether you’re buying, selling, or leasing property, our real estate experts guide you through transactions, zoning compliance, and property development.

Immigration Law

Our immigration attorneys are well versed in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complex immigration process, including visa applications…

Family Law

we offer legal expertise in general family law matters such as divorce, child custody, and adoption, always striving for equitable and compassionate resolutions.

1500+ Successful

Welcome To S&S Advocates LLP

At S&S Law LLP, we embrace a modern and client-centered approach that redefines the practice of law. Specializing in delivering tailored legal solutions for businesses and all clients alike, we prioritize precision,timeliness, and accuracy to ensure clients receive dependable results.

  • Local and international partners expands our reach beyond Kenya.
  • Committed to innovative approaches to address legal complexities.
  • We offer tailored solutions for the contemporary legal landscape.
  • Our solutions are delivered swiftly and precisely to meet your needs.


Benefit from over 28 years of seasoned expertise navigating
legal complexities with Solonka & Solonka Advocates LLP. Your legal matters are in trusted hands.

Business Partners
Cases Done
Happy Clients
Awards Won


Commercial Law

We provide comprehensive corporate legal services, including business formation, contract negotiations, mergers and acquisitions…

Real Estate

Whether you’re buying, selling, or leasing property, our real estate experts guide you through transactions, zoning compliance, and property development.

Immigration Law

Our immigration attorneys are well versed in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complex immigration process, including visa applications…

Family Law

we offer legal expertise in general family law matters such as divorce, child custody, and adoption, always striving for equitable and compassionate resolutions.

Labour Relations

We offer sound legal advice in the realm of employment law, addressing labor disputes…

Debt Collection

Our debt collection specialists are dedicated to recovering outstanding debts efficiently…

Legal Consultancies

Our seasoned legal consultants work closely with businesses, providing expert guidance…

Tax Law

We provide comprehensive tax services, including strategic planning, compliance…

Frequently Asked Questions

Get quick answers to common legal questions and learn more about Solonka & Solonka Advocates LLP’s expertise.

  • How do you ensure transparency?
    We provide clear communication and regular updates throughout the legal process, ensuring transparency and peace of mind for our clients.
  • What makes S&S Advocates LLP stand out?
    With 28 years of experience, we offer innovative solutions tailored to your needs.
  • How can I book a consultation with S&S?
    Simply contact us through our website or give us a call to schedule an appointment.

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Our Professional Team

Gideon Solonka
Pareno Solonka
Nancy Khafafa
Caleb Chacha

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